Training to help support children and young people with autism


Training for Professionals:

General training for professionals around special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), much of which is relevant to supporting autistic children and young people, can be found on our Training and Support page.  

Training for Parents:

Parents' Autism Awareness Course (PAAC)

The Bi-borough Autism Advisory Team (AEYIT) provide regular Parent's Autism Awareness Courses (PAACs) to provide information and practical strategies for the families of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). 

The team run separate PAACs for parents of children under 5, and those with older children.

Bi-borough Autism Advisory Team run regular Parents' Autism Awareness Courses (PAACs) to provide parents of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) information and practical strategies for their child. 

Come along to speak to the specialist autism team, network with other parents and share experiences!

Courses are currently online and run on Wednesday mornings. This is six week course and we encourage you to attend as many as possible to get the most out of the sessions. 

If you want to find out more or book a place on the next course, please send an email to Christa Morley on [email protected]. Places are limited and will be allocated on a ‘first come, first served’ basis.

Click here for more information for the latest PACCs 2022-2023

Click here for more information about PAACs for under 5s

Click here for more information about PAACs for older children

Both courses consist of six sessions. We recommend that parents attend all six but do understand this is not always possible.  

For the latest dates and to book onto a course, please contact Christa Morley by emailing [email protected]

Bi-Borough Short Breaks Parenting Programme

The Short Breaks team offer a range of parent carer training workshops which support with understanding of autism and practical approaches. 

The training workshops include: 


  • EarlyBird

    A support programme for parents of autistic children aged under 5 years. Courses offer advice on strategies and approaches to support young autistic children.
  • EarlyBird Plus 

    A support programme for parents/carers  of autistic children aged between 4-9 years (and a supporting professional). Courses offer practical guidance on supporting autistic children at home and in the school environment. 
  • NAS Teen Life

    Support programme for parents/carers of autistic teenagers (and a supporting professional. Courses offer strategies and approaches to support an autistic person through their teen years. 
  • Triple P

    Parenting support programme for parents/carers of children (aged 0-12) with developmental disabilities. Courses offer training in parenting skills to promote your child's and development potential. 

  • Parenting Workshops at the St Quintin & Tresham Centres

    There are regular parenting workshops at both the St Quintin's and Tresham Centres for Disabled Children and Young People. These cover a wide range of topics and include frequent guest speakers. 

For more information and dates please contact Sophie on [email protected].


Speech, Language and Communication Workshops

These 2 hour workshops are for parents and carers whose child under the age of 5 years has received a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder or where there are concerns around social communication skills. There are three different workshops – Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Educational Psychology. The workshops are repeated throughout the year in different locations. Contact the Local Offer team on: [email protected] for information on upcoming workshops.

Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder after Diagnosis

These 2 hour drop in sessions are for parents and carers whose child under the age of 5 years has received a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder. The workshops are run by early years speech and language therapists and clinical nurse specialists.  Contact the Local Offer team on: [email protected] for information on upcoming sessions.

Related Links

  1. National Autistic Society (NAS)
  2. The Autism Education Trust
  3. Autism Speaks
  4. Autism Spectrum Disorder (NHS)


  1. Training For Short Breaks Providers of Disabled Children - 2024-25

Page last reviewed: 24/06/2024

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