Articles on SEND Local Offer (219)

  1. How to access a Short Break

    Service Navigator – Overview The ‘navigator’ will operate as part of the Bi-Borough Short Breaks Service. A single point of contact for all referrals in the Disabled Children and Young People’s service. Families with children between the age of 0 and 18 may be entitled to support…
  2. Independent (Private) Schools

    What are independent schools? Independent schools (also known as private schools) are educational providers not funded or maintained by the Government. Pupils at independent schools may not follow the national curriculum. You will usually be expected to pay fees for your child to attend an…
  3. Independent Schools

    For the Department for Education list of approved independent educational institutions, independent special schools and post-16 institutions visit Hammersmith and Fulham also commissions places at specialist independent schools. These schools can be contacted to see how they could accomodate your childs' needs.
  4. Independent special institutions

    Section 41 of the Children and Families Act 2014 allows the Secretary of State to publish a list of approved independent educational institutions, independent special schools and post-16 institutions for the purposes of enabling the institution to be the subject of a request for it…
  5. Information about ADHD

    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is defined as a neurodevelopmental condition, thought to be caused by differences in the way the brain develops that affects the parts controlling attention, concentration, impulsivity, activity levels and memory. This means a child or young person may experience difficulties…
  6. Information for professionals and SENCOs

    Early Years SEND Toolkit This is a document that gives you an overview of your roles and responsibilities regarding inclusive practice and supporting children with SEND. It also contains key information you need to be accessing in relation to making referrals and some practical tips…
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