Articles on SEND Local Offer (46)

  1. About wraparound childcare

    The Childcare Choices website has been updated with information about the programme. This includes guidance on the right to request childcare, and information on the ability to use Tax-Free Childcare and Universal Credit Childcare to pay for wraparound if eligible. More information can also be found on the…
  2. Broad areas of need

    SEND CoP Chapter 6 - 'The 4 Broad areas of need': Communication and interaction 6.28 Children and young people with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) have difficulty in communicating with others. This may be because they have difficulty saying what they want to, understanding…
  3. Care to Learn Scheme

    The Care to Learn scheme can help with childcare costs while you study (up to £195 per child per week if you live in London). You must be under 20 at the start of your course and the scheme is available for publicly-funded courses in England. Your learning provider…
  4. Childcare Sufficiency Assessment (CSA)

    A Childcare Sufficiency Assessment (CSA) is an assessment of existing childcare provision in the borough, mapping supply of, demand for and gaps in the childcare market. The Childcare Act 2006 places a legal duty on local authorities to secure sufficient childcare (so far as is…
  5. Disability Access Fund (DAF)

    The Disability Access Fund (DAF) is an additional funding provided by the goverment to enable Early Years childcare providers to offer more places to young children with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND). The DAF is available to Early Years childcare settings and can be used, for…
  6. Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP)

    The Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) is additional funding given to early years providers to improve the education they provide to some 3 and 4-year-olds. Providers will use the money in ways that they think will support your child’s learning and development. This should be…
  7. Educational Psychology Consultation Service training

    Our SLA for Schools: The EPCS offers a large range of training to schools promoted through our Schools SLA and through our school link EPs. We encourage schools to think about additional services they would like that relate to child and educational psychology and to request…
  8. Free school meals (FSM)

    Free school meals is a government initiative which provides children with a nutritious meal during term time. You can apply for free school meals if your child is in full time education and you receive any of the following benefits: Universal Credit (provided you have an…
  9. Guidance for service providers

    There are two sections of this website: Information for Families provides information to all parents and carers of children and young people aged 0-19 years, or 0-25 years if their child has a Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND). The SEND Local Offer focuses on providing accessible…
  10. Health and Development Reviews

    If you have a toddler aged 8 – 15 months and/or 2 – 2.5 years, you should be hearing from your local Health Visiting Team to invite you to attend a Health & Developmental Review. We strongly encourage you to attend these to ensure the…
  11. Health visiting

    Health visiting services Health Visitors offer services to families within our children’s centres and local health centres to provide services to families in locations close to their home. After attending antenatal classes and being seen at home by midwives, parents will receive information and support…
  12. Help for low income families

    The government provides information on a number of different Benefits for families, including who they are for and how you can apply for them, including; Apply for free school meals Benefits calculators Care to Learn Carer's Credit Childcare Grant Claim if you were injured while serving…
  13. How Will Support for Parents / Families Change?

    When a child reaches adulthood, the way their parents or families are supported will change. To understand your level of needs and what support should be provided, the council will invite you to complete a Carer's Assessment. This is a way that you can let the adult…
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