Articles on SEND Local Offer (45)

  1. Care to Learn Scheme

    The Care to Learn scheme can help with childcare costs while you study (up to £195 per child per week if you live in London). You must be under 20 at the start of your course and the scheme is available for publicly-funded courses in England. Your learning provider…
  2. Childcare Sufficiency Assessment (CSA)

    A Childcare Sufficiency Assessment (CSA) is an assessment of existing childcare provision in the borough, mapping supply of, demand for and gaps in the childcare market. The Childcare Act 2006 places a legal duty on local authorities to secure sufficient childcare (so far as is…
  3. Disability Access Fund (DAF)

    From April 2017, the Government introduced new funding for Early Years childcare providers to enable them to offer more places to young children with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND). This funding is called the Disability Access Fund (DAF). The DAF is available to Early Years…
  4. Disagreements, mediation and the SEND Tribunal

    The Children and Families Act 2014 requires all local authorities and health commissioner services to provide an independent mediation and dispute resolution service to help when parents/carers, young people, schools, health care services and the local authority cannot agree on how to meet a child…
  5. Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP)

    The Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) is additional funding given to early years providers to improve the education they provide to some 3 and 4-year-olds. Providers will use the money in ways that they think will support your child’s learning and development. This should be…
  6. Educational Psychology Consultation Service training

    Our SLA for Schools: The EPCS offers a large range of training to schools promoted through our Schools SLA and through our school link EPs. We encourage schools to think about additional services they would like that relate to child and educational psychology and to request…
  7. Fair Shot Training Programme

    "Changing lives one cup at a time", Fair Shot are a social enterprise cafe and registered UK charity that aims to transform the lives of young adults aged 18-25 with learning disabilities and/or autism through specialty coffee. Their mission is to be the stepping stone to…
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