Articles on SEND Local Offer (42)

  1. Guidance for service providers

    There are two sections of this website: Information for Families provides information to all parents and carers of children and young people aged 0-19 years, or 0-25 years if their child has a Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND). The SEND Local Offer focuses on providing accessible…
  2. Local Offer Art Competition 2019 - Gallery

    We are very grateful to the incredibly talented children and young people across the Bi-Borough who entered our 2019 Local Offer Art Competition. As well as beginning to see the spectacular artwork displayed throughout the Local Offer site, you can find all the entries in…
  3. Multi Agency Good Practice Events

    Our Multi Agency Good Practice Events offer a chance a for a wide range of professionals from multiple services and settings to come together and share effective strategies for supporting children and young people with SEND. Please see below for details of our most recent…
  4. School SEN Policies and Information Reports

    Schools (including mainstream schools, nurseries, and academy schools) must publish information on their websites about their arrangements for meeting the needs of pupils with SEN. This includes their SEN Policy and SEN Information Report. These should be freely available to download from their websites and must…
  5. Join the Family Hubs Parent and Carer Shadow Board

    Dear Parents and Carers, The Kensington and Chelsea Family Hubs Team are currently recruiting Parents and Carers who wish to become Shadow Boards. Please find more information on the leaflet below. Should you wish to express interest in this opportunity, do not hesitate to contact…
  6. North Family Hub Children's Centre Offer

    Our centres are warm and friendly places and welcome all resident families with a child under five. Our main centres are open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. Holmfield House Children’s Centre is also open once a month on a Saturday. At each of our centres…
  7. Educational Psychology Consultation Service training

    Our SLA for Schools: The EPCS offers a large range of training to schools promoted through our Schools SLA and through our school link EPs. We encourage schools to think about additional services they would like that relate to child and educational psychology and to request…
  8. What we expect from schools and settings around SEND

    We expect every early years provider, state-funded mainstream and special school and post 16 setting to make effective education for children with special educational needs and disability so that they make good progress in their learning and, in the long-term, can become independent and gain…
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