Articles on Parents and Carers (129)

  1. Local Offer Art Competition 2019 - Gallery

    We are very grateful to the incredibly talented children and young people across the Bi-Borough who entered our 2019 Local Offer Art Competition. As well as beginning to see the spectacular artwork displayed throughout the Local Offer site, you can find all the entries in…
  2. Join the Family Hubs Parent and Carer Shadow Board

    Dear Parents and Carers, The Kensington and Chelsea Family Hubs Team are currently recruiting Parents and Carers who wish to become Shadow Boards. Please find more information on the leaflet below. Should you wish to express interest in this opportunity, do not hesitate to contact…
  3. Health and Development Reviews

    If you have a toddler aged 8 – 15 months and/or 2 – 2.5 years, you should be hearing from your local Health Visiting Team to invite you to attend a Health & Developmental Review. We strongly encourage you to attend these to ensure the…
  4. Early Help and Family Hubs

    Worried about a child? Early Help and Family Hubs are a way of getting extra support when needed. Our integrated 0-19 (25 with SEND) service aims to help families when difficulties first begin so that we can support them with finding solutions quickly. We will provide free…
  5. Register for a Family Hub

    If you live in Kensington and Chelsea and would like to register for a Family Hub / Children's Centre within the borough, please contact a member of the team on [email protected]. Information about the services currently available, timetables and locations can be found on the following link: Family…
  6. North Family Hub Children's Centre Offer

    Our centres are warm and friendly places and welcome all resident families with a child under five. Our main centres are open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. Holmfield House Children’s Centre is also open once a month on a Saturday. At each of our centres…
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