Articles on Education, Health and Care Plans (46)

  1. SEND Tribunal process and procedure

    Changes to the powers of the SEND Tribunal: Read about the National Trial extending powers of the Tribunal to make non-binding reccommendations about health and social care provision.  Click here to see the tribunal process chart. Under the Children and Families Act 2014 (section 55(3)) parents,…
  2. Tell us your experience of the EHCP process

    Kensington and Chelsea Council is participating in a national survey to find out how well Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) support local children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities to achieve positive outcomes. The survey is called the Personal Outcomes Evaluation…
  3. Broad areas of need

    SEND CoP Chapter 6 - 'The 4 Broad areas of need': Communication and interaction 6.28 Children and young people with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) have difficulty in communicating with others. This may be because they have difficulty saying what they want to, understanding…
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