Victoria Road Montessori


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Victoria Road Gardens Montessori logo

Montessori education values the development of the whole child—physical, social, emotional, cognitive. We believe child love to learn and providing them with an environment enriched with hands-on experiences, real materials and encouraging sustained shared thinking opportunities. We understand that each child is a unique individual with his or her own needs, capabilities, and way of learning.

Our positives are to:

Engender confidence, compassion, happiness, calmness, purpose, freedom and independence; excitement about life; kindness and the ability to communicate.

Encourage friendship and consideration.

Awaken children’s interest in all subjects and encourage in them a love of learning, giving them an understanding of the world and respect for all they find in it.

Support parents by helping them to understand the developmental stages of their child, working together through identifying and implementing behaviour strategies.

Age ranges: 2-5 years old

This setting is registered to accept the Early Education and Childcare funded hours for:


Who to contact

07939 874086 07939 874086
Gardens Montessori
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Where to go

Christ Church
Victoria Road

W8 5RQ

View W8 5RQ on a map

Childcare Information

Funded Places

Has 3 & 4 year old funding
Has 2 year old funding

Ofsted Information

Ofsted URN
2729377Link to latest Ofsted inspection report

Last Updated

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