The French Nursery School


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The  French Nursery School offers an inspiring and joyful environment for each child to develop their emotional, social, intellectual and physical skills. The children who attend our school are fully supported in their learning journey by a team of skilled multilingual teachers.

Our Nursery School provides high standards of education for children, who can enjoy carefully prepared activities, a comprehensive range of recreational facilities and also have access to IT resources.

There are a number of clubs and extra curricular activities the children can partake in.

The School provides a la carte highly flexible education plans. Parents can choose how many times a week and during which days they would like their child to attend the school on a part time (9am-12.15pm) or full time (9am-4pm) basis.

This setting is registered to accept the Early Education and Childcare funded hours for:

Who to contact

07775 566361 07775 566361
The French Nursery School website
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Where to go

Les Chatons French Nursery School
64 Pembroke Road

W8 6NX

View W8 6NX on a map


Age Ranges
1 - 5 years

Childcare Information

Funded Places

Has 3 & 4 year old funding
No 2 year old funding

Ofsted Information

Ofsted URN
2593198Link to latest Ofsted inspection report
Inspection history
Inspection History
22/11/2022Inspection (Early Years Register)Good

Last Updated

Last updated:

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