More House Girls School


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We are preparing our pupils for the juggling act of adulthood. Our core values of commitment, integrity and compassion are evident in the students academic and co-curricular achievements, their relationships with others and through initiatives such as our More Green sustainability group and Faith in Action programme. Our outstanding pastoral care enables our girls to flourish in a nurturing environment that recognises and cherishes the whole person.

 Breakfast club: No.

After school clubs: Yes. For more information visit:

Additional information:

The variety of activities on offer allows students to challenge and develop existing talents and offers the opportunity to discover new ones. The Earth and Planetary club is a superb example of how the programme supports and challenges students’ thinking through topical discussion and raising awareness of global issues.

In Key Stage 3, clubs such as Book club and Mandala, Art and Textiles club immerse our students in opportunity, allowing them to be creative whilst Fencing, Dance and Netball clubs will keep the girls active throughout the week. The Co-curricular Programme supports an extensive array of music clubs offering every student in Year 7 to learn an instrument.

Year 10 and 11 have a first-class balance of academic, cultural and sports co-curricular activities. Our students take pleasure in learning new skills such as calligraphy at Handwriting club or Origami at Japanese culture and language club. In addition many of our girls maintain their fitness and nourish their well-being whilst taking in the beautiful views at our rowing club based at Fulham Reach.

Our Sixth Form programme supports the students’ preparation for life after More House with clubs focused on building independence. Clubs like driving test theory and preparation for University encourages our students to prepare themselves in taking the next step.

Note: for students at More House School only.

Who to contact

020 72352855 020 72352855
[email protected]
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Where to go

22-24 Pont Street


View SW1X 0AA on a map

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