Detached and Outreach Service


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DOT are a team of youth workers working in Kensington and Chelsea (RBKC). The majority of our work is focussed upon helping children and young people who are most in need of additional support (targeted youth work), including those with SEND.

We want to divert young people away from the harm of violence and criminal exploitation and so we link with partners and other services to identify children and young people who may be at risk. We also undertake community engagement and build trusted relationships with young people to hear directly about their worries and offer them early support.  We deliver projects and group work which are informed by what children and young people say they want. We also encourage young people to engage and participate in activities offered by local youth services (this is often referred to as outreach youth work).

Our street-based sessions (known as detached youth work) help to raise awareness of things on offer and open up children and young people’s access to Kensington and Chelsea’s North and South Hubs, projects, clubs and other opportunities.

Our team is funded by Public Health and Kensington and Chelsea. 

We offer a variety of youth work support to young people aged 11 – 19yrs:

  • Detached (street-based) sessions
  • Outreach (helping children and young people to access provision in youth centres and elsewhere)
  • One to one mentoring (for young people where there are worries in two or three areas – risk of school exclusion, risk of criminal exploitation or going missing from home or school)
  • Project and group work (school, college, youth hubs and centre based)
  • Joint youth work with other services including ones delivered by community and voluntary organisations
  • Help for parents and carers to mediate on relationship misunderstandings with their child/ren or to access support, information, or guidance from other services.

For more information and to access/ refer someone to our services, please contact us.

Who to contact

[email protected]

Where to go

Kensington and Chelsea Council

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