Change4Life Mini Clubs


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Eat well, move more and feel good with free Change4Clubs, packed with fun games, interactive discussions and delicious, healthy food making activities + free recipe packs of food for all participating families every week.

Mini Clubs are suitable for children aged 1-4 years old and their parent/ carer.

There are currently two mini club programmes running in Kensington and Chelsea. Their dates, times and locations are as follows:

  • Wedsnesdays, 15th January-11th February: 10am-11am at Meanwhile Gardens, 156-158 Kensal Road, London W10 5BN
  • Wednesdays, 15th of January-12th February: 1pm-2.30pm at St Mark's Stay and Play, 137 St Mark's Road, London W10 6BZ

To join, please register for your place. 

Who to contact

020 8960 0744 020 8960 0744
[email protected]
Registration form
Scan to visit this website

Where to go


W10 5LL

View W10 5LL on a map

Time / Date Details

When is it on
Wednesdays, 15th January - 12th February; 10am-11am and 1pm-2.30pm


These events are free to attend, but you must register in advance.


Age Ranges
1-4 Years
Other notes

Although every effort is made to ensure information on the Family Information Service directory is kept up to date, we would advise contacting the service provider before attending to confirm session details remain unchanged.


Last Updated

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