Paediatric Nutrition and Dietetic Service
The paediatric dietetic service are a team of registered dietitians specialising in children's nutrition working within West London and Central London CCG, delivering therapeutic dietary interventions, to children and young people aged 0-19 years. This team provide advice for children and their parents/carers on aspects of nutrition and health. The paediatric dietitians provide full nutritional assessment, diagnosis and advice on how best to meet the nutritional requirements of individual patients. Children and young people with diagnosed conditions may be provided with nutritional supplementation or full nutritional support via a feeding tube. All children seen within the service will have individualised patient plan with goals, which have been agreed by the child and/or parent and carer. The team also provide expert advice and education on paediatric nutrition management for other healthcare professionals.
Who to contact
- Contact Name
- Queries can be directed to a Paediatric Dietitian
- Telephone
- 020 7266 8764 020 7266 8764
- [email protected]
- Website
- Paediatric Nutrition Service
- Scan to visit this website
- Referral required?
- Yes
- Referral Details
How do you access this service?
This is a specialist service. Children can be referred into to the service via a health professional including;
- GPs
- Community Paediatric Medical Team
- Hospital Paediatricians
- Dietitians locally and in other boroughs
- Children’s Community Nursing Teams
- Community healthcare professionals including; children’s community nurses, health visiting, school nursing, speech and language therapy, oral health, adult services.
Completed referral form can be returned to the service via the following options:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0208 349 7073
How do we ensure the quality of this service?
The service is commissioned to deliver specialist nutritional therapy. All staff are registered with The Health and Care Professions Council the (HCPC) and adhere to Standards of Practice in addition to training updates in the nutritional management of children with complex needs. The service conforms to national and local standards, and regularly conducts audits to ensure a high quality service. To improve the quality of the service it regularly collects feedback from carers and their children on their experiences and outcomes. Quarterly performance reports are submitted and discussed with commissioners.
Post: Paediatric Nutrition & Dietetics, The Medical Centre, 7E Woodfield Road, London, W9 3XZ
What to do if you have a complaint?
We have a customer service team to inform, support and signpost individuals through our services - and can assist you if one wishes to raise a concern or complaint. P: 0800 368 0412 E: [email protected] Or write to us: Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust, Freepost PATIENT EXPERIENCE TEAM CLCH, 2nd Floor, Parson's Green Health Centre, London, SW6 4UL
- Other notes
When is this service available?
The service is available 09:00 - 17:00 Monday through Friday and is provided via phone, video link, or in a clinic setting, with the exception of home enteral tube feeding patients, who may be unable to attend clinics (clinician's discretions).
Current clinics:
Bessborough Street Clinic, 1 Bessborough Street, London SW1V 2JD
Tues 09:00-17:00
Woodfield Rd Medical Centre, 7E Woodfield Rd, London W9 3XZ
Thurs & Fri 09:00-17:00
Video/Phone Consultation:
Mon & Tues 09:00-7:00
Services and areas covered are subject to change – please keep up to date by visiting our page
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