Let's Play Together - Play and Communication Group


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Picture of two children talking to each other while in the background there are a range of messy play activities.

Let's Play Together is a communication and play group for children aged 18 months - 3 years who have additional needs. The specialised, structured environment offers an opportunity for children to develop play and social communication skills in a fun and enjoyable way.

Taking part in the group gives you the chance to:

  • Meet other parents, carers and children
  • Make use of focused sensory and play activities to support your child’s communication
  • Learn tips and ideas on activities to do at home

The Let's Play Together group runs in courses of five sessions starting on Friday 10th May 2019 and then every Friday 10am - 11.30am. Places on each of the courses are limited to six children.

If you would like to come along to the group, you will need to book by calling Harry on 020 7641 5121 or Deanne on 020 7598 4654

Who to contact

Contact Name
Harry Thompson
020 7641 5121 020 7641 5121

Where to go

St Quintin Centre for Disabled Children and Young People
St. Quintin Centre,
2a Wallingford Avenue

W10 6QB

View W10 6QB on a map

Time / Date Details

When is it on
Every Friday 10:00 - 11:30am
Time of day

Local Offer


Last Updated

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