Multi Sports for disabled adults


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Better at Kensington Leisure Centre logo. It reads "Better: the feel good place"

Multi Sports provides you with the opportunity to try a variety of sports, including Badminton, Basketball, Table Tennis, Kurling, Boccia, Bowling and many more!

These free sessions are specifically designed for disabled adults (aged 17+) and are led by a trained instructor. They take place at Kensington Leisure Centre every Tuesday 10am - 11.30am. 

Parents/carers accompanying disabled people to the sessions are also able to make use of the Leisure Centre facilities for free. 

There is no need to book. Just turn up and let reception know which session you are attending. 


Who to contact

Contact Name
Kensington Leisure Centre
020 3793 8210 020 3793 8210

For details of other sports activities in your area, please fill out the form at

Where to go

Kensington Leisure Centre
Silchester Road

W10 6EX

View W10 6EX on a map

Time / Date Details

When is it on
Every Tuesday 10am - 11.30am


Age Ranges
17+ years
Other notes

Although every effort is made to ensure information on the Family Information Hub website is kept up-to-date, we would advise contacting the service to confirm details on their offer remain unchanged.

Local Offer

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