Bi-borough Virtual School for Looked After Children


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The Children and Families Act 2014 requires Local Authorities to appoint a Virtual School Head whose purpose is to ensure the Local Authority fulfils its statutory duty to promote the education of Looked After Children.

The Virtual School Head is a Bi-borough post and manages the Virtual School in the two authorities (Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea / City of Westminster).

The role of the Virtual School is to:

  • Monitor and promote the educational progress and achievement of Looked After Children and care leavers

  • Ensure that Personal Education Plans are current, relevant and effective

  • Promote and monitor the use of the Pupil Premium Grant

  • Support Schools and Designated Teachers to develop effective strategies and support for Looked After Children

  • Provide advice and guidance for social workers and carers on issues relating to the education of Looked After Children

  • Commission and fund additional resources for Looked After Children to support education

  • Develop and implement programmes and activities to support the education and learning of Looked After Children

  • Provide information, advice and guidance to Looked After Children and care leavers about education, employment and training

Who to contact

Contact Name
Natalie Stephenson
Contact Position
[email protected]

Deputy Headteacher: Yvonne Daniel                                                 [email protected]


Age Ranges
From early years up to 26 years old

Local Offer

Local Offer Age Bands
Early Years (0-5)
Primary (5-11 years)
Secondary (12-16 years)
Adulthood (16-25 years)

Last Updated

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