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Leighton House Sambourne House


Exploring Leighton House.

Our programme

All our workshops for  schools are free, hands on and practical, interactive, and include exploration of the historic houses and their collections. Our sessions are delivered by professional artists, creatives, museum educators and subject specialists. We also run special event and study days for schools, and CPD events for educators. Explore our library of learning resources including worksheets, audio and film.

Our Schools programmes are generously supported by the Banham Foundation.

The workshops fit in with our unit of learning perfectly. Our Art teacher is also looking forward to using the ideas she gained from Samira to develop a project on Islamic geometry and would like to make a display with the pieces created.
Addison Primary School

Our school workshops are grouped to four themes, so you can pick and mix across both houses to create your own unique learning experience:

  • Traveller's Tales
  • Artists & Makers
  • Creating a sketchbook
  • Discover & Explore
Thank you so, so much for welcoming our students to the museum today. They were beyond excited on their return, and said they had a wonderful time.
Teacher after a visit to Leighton House

Get in touch

If you would like to know more about our forthcoming programmes, please do contact us:


Charlotte Villiers, Learning & Engagement

[email protected]