Your feedback, and our responses, about the SEND Local Offer 2021
Every year, the local authority publishes feedback from users of our SEND Local Offer website. We also set out how we have addressed, or plan to address, the issues raised. All feedback we receive is used to make the website more helpful and easy to use.
The following comments reflect the feedback given by young people with SEND and their families during the year 2021.
Select a comment below to see how we will use the feedback provided:
There are broken links and pages on the Local Offer
Parent champions highlighted there were several broken links on the Local offer website which were not working. Upon doing a thorough search throughout all the landing pages of the local offer, it was identified that there were many links which were showing up as an ‘Error 404’ message. The Local offer coordinator applied a systematic review method to search through all the main landing pages of the Local offer to search for those links and restored the links to its original source. Additionally, this was a good opportunity to contact service providers to ask whether the current information on their service was up to date.
We can search for the pages we are looking for from writing keywords on the search box:
We continue to add relevant keywords to our pages when updating records, to ensure the information is easily accessible. This was resolved by discussing with parents the kind of information they were looking for to ensure an appropriate keyword were added to those information pages.
It would be useful to have all the Occupational Therapy services in one page
There were multiple different Occupational therapy services listed on our local offer. A new Occupational therapy landing page was created, which listed all the Occupational therapy services which are based in different teams. This will enhance a better user journey for our local offer users who would be searching for a particular type of OT assessment.
Education settings on the Local offer
Our Local offer undertook a refresh of adding education settings on our Education, Learning and Skills page. SEN information reports and Ofsted reports were added to all education settings on all early years settings, schools and colleges. Additionally, we also ensured we lsited all the main schools and colleges in our borough on our Local offer website.
We would like to see a more visual Local Offer
Many of our Local offer pages have undergone a redesign of the landing pages, replacing large chunks of text and information with new tiles with images.