Concerns about a child (information for practitioners)
As an Early Years practitioner, you may occasionally become concerned about a child in your care; or a parent/carer may express concerns about their child to you.
What to do if you are concerned about a child
Some children will need additional support during their education to ensure they are able to reach their full potential. In order to support these children it is important you do the following:
Talk to their parents. It is important to involve parents at every stage. They know their children best, utilise their expertise. When having difficult conversations first highlight the positives about what their child CAN do before raising your concerns.
Contact your Early Years and Inclusion Advisor for support and advice.
Ensure you have robust and up to date tracking, assessment and observation systems in place and use this to enable you to have a clear picture of the child’s strengths and needs.
Have a graduated response, use an assess, plan, do, review approach.
Write and IEP or SEN Support plan in collaboration with parents. (see SEND Toolkit for pro formas)
Referral and funding information can be accessed on the SEND information for practitioners page.
The Bi-Borough Childcare and Early Education advisor team can support you if you have concerns about a child.
Please contact the Bi-Borough Early Education and Childcare Service (BBEECS) and the Inclusion Advisory Team