Search results (187)

  1. Bereavement support

    We appreciate that this is a very difficult time and the unexpected loss of a loved one due to coronavirus can be particularly distressing. Please visit the Council’s website for information, guidance and advice on deaths, funerals and bereavement. The Council have also created leaflets for families,…
  2. Who we are and what we do

    The DOT is part of a ‘public health’ approach in Kensington and Chelsea to tackle serious youth violence and we mostly support children and young people aged between 11-19 years. The majority of our work is focussed upon helping children and young people who are…
  3. Support for my mental health

    NHS Community Living Well Talking Therapies Talking Therapies is part of the national Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) service. It is a free and confidential NHS service for people aged 16 and over who are registered with a GP in Kensington and Chelsea, Queen’s…
  4. Care to Learn Scheme

    The Care to Learn scheme can help with childcare costs while you study (up to £195 per child per week if you live in London). You must be under 20 at the start of your course and the scheme is available for publicly-funded courses in England. Your learning provider…
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