Articles on Schools and learning (39)

  1. Independent (Private) Schools

    What are independent schools? Independent schools (also known as private schools) are educational providers not funded or maintained by the Government. Pupils at independent schools may not follow the national curriculum. You will usually be expected to pay fees for your child to attend an…
  2. Educating your child at home

    Parents/carers are legally required to ensure their child is in receipt of a suitable education but this does not have to be in a school. Some will choose to electively home educate. Elective home education is the term used to describe a parent or carer's…
  3. SEND Resources for Professionals

    The compiled resources below bring together a wide collection of toolkits, advice and guidance to support and help those professionals working closely with young people with SEND. They cover a range of topics, including participation, communication, events and transition processes. These tool-kits are designed for…
  4. Education, employment and training

    Routes into paid employment Many young people with learning difficulties or a disability will want to have a job in the future. To achieve this goal they may need additional support during their training or in the work place. Not everyone will be able to…
  5. Therapy, nursing and personal care in colleges

    Since the Children and Families Act (2014) was introduced, many more young people with complex needs have chosen to go to college and to study for longer. To help their new learners, who have learning difficulties as well as extra health and care needs, colleges…
  6. Out-of-borough schools

    The borough has some of the highest performing maintained schools in the country. The outcomes for pupils with SEND are better here than the national average.  The Ofsted ratings of our local schools mean that families are assured of a school that is rated good…
  7. Strategies and Plans

    Listed below are links to some relevant local strategies and plans related to special educational needs and disabilities. This page will be regularly updated: Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Strategy (2021-2024) This strategy sets out the plans of the borough to improve outcomes for local…
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