Articles on SEND Local Offer (224)

  1. SEN Strategy Refresh - 2021-2024

    The current Kensington and Chelsea Council Strategy for Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (our ‘SEND Strategy’) was published in 2018. The nature of co-production, learning from the experiences of our local community and aiming to deliver outstanding services in an…
  2. How do I choose childcare for my child with SEND?

    Good quality childcare is beneficial for all children. It plays an important role in development, allowing children to gain independence, mix with other children and learn new things. There are several types of childcare provider and different families may find that different options work best…
  3. Does my child have SEND?

    During your child’s early years, you may not know whether they have SEND or not. Many parents have concerns about their child’s development. While most of the time it is just a normal part of growing up, you should highlight any worries you have with…
  4. Approaches used in the Bi-borough to support with autism

    The Bi-borough uses a team made up of a wide range of professionals to support a personalised approach for meeting a child with autism’s individual support needs. Over the years, a number of teaching approaches have been proposed. These include interventions that target specific areas. These…
  5. Who to talk to first

    If your child is at school or nursery: always speak to your child's teacher first if you think your child is learning more slowly than they should. They will let you know what they are doing to address your child's area of weakness. If your…
  6. Glossary of key terms for the SEND Local Offer

    A glossary of key terms used relating to the SEND Local Offer. The SEND Local Offer provides information on what services children, young people and their families can expect from a range of local agencies, including education, health and social care. Select an option below for an…
  7. Local Offer Art Competition 2019 - Gallery

    We are very grateful to the incredibly talented children and young people across the Bi-Borough who entered our 2019 Local Offer Art Competition. As well as beginning to see the spectacular artwork displayed throughout the Local Offer site, you can find all the entries in…
  8. Local Offer Who's Who

    Click one the department sections below to find out more about the people helping to run SEND Services across Westminster and Kensington & Chelsea: Local Offer SEN Service Short Breaks Education Health Travel Care Transition Parent Forums
  9. Multi Agency Good Practice Events

    Our Multi Agency Good Practice Events offer a chance a for a wide range of professionals from multiple services and settings to come together and share effective strategies for supporting children and young people with SEND. Please see below for details of our most recent…
  10. Accessibility Strategy

    The Council is required under the Equality Act 2010 to have an accessibility strategy in which it promotes better access for disabled pupils at school. This duty predates the Children and Families Act which means that the activities to ensure effective and timely support for…
  11. What is a ‘Local Offer’?

    A Local Offer gives children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities, and their families, information about what support services the local authority think will be available in their local area. Every local authority is responsible for writing a Local Offer and making…
  12. Health

    Children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) can have varying and often complex health needs. This may mean they are cared for by a range of health professionals from different services. Most health services in the UK are provided by the…
  13. Mediation process and procedure

    Parents and young people can go through mediation following decisions made by the local authority such as: a decision not to carry out an EHC needs assessment a decision not to issue an EHC Plan a decision not to amend an EHC Plan a decision to…
  14. How do children get an autism diagnosis?

    If you suspect that your child may be on the autistic spectrum, you may decide to have them formally assessed. This may result in their being given a diagnosis of an autism spectrum condition (ASC). Receiving a diagnosis can be very beneficial to children and…
  15. Autism Zone

    I am... A parent wondering if my child is autistic A parent of an autistic child An autistic young person Interested in autism training A professional who is supporting autistic children Finding support: autistic children and young people
  16. Download Local Offer leaflets or posters

    Below you can downalod digital copies of our Local Offer leaflets and posters.  Posters display a summary of what the Local Offer is and a link to the website. Leafelts provide more details information about what the Local Offer contains, who it is for, and…
  17. Key words explained

    Somtimes it can be tricky to keep track of all the complex words and abbreviations used when talking about special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). To make it a bit easier, we have produced our a glossary of key words explained which we hope will…
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