Articles on Health services for children (18)

  1. Accessing Health Services - FAQs

    How will health professionals care for me or my child? If you or your child are supported by a number of different health professionals, they will work with one another to ensure that information is shared and care is well coordinated. This approach helps them…
  2. Additional needs and SEND

    Family Hubs are fully inclusive. This means that all activities welcome children who may have additional needs, and reasonable adjustments will be made were necessary. All Family Hubs in the borough have sensory play facilities for children who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).…
  3. Continuing care for children with complex health needs

    Continuing Care describes bespoke health and care packages delivered by the NHS to children and young people (aged 0-18) with complex health needs which cannot otherwise be met with local universal or specialist services. Children and young people eligible to receive Continuing Care will have…
  4. Eating, Drinking and Feeding

    Some children with special educational needs or disabilities to struggle with eating drinking and feeding. It’s important not to force your child to eat and drink. This will make it even harder for them. Try to make mealtimes as an enjoyable experience as you can. Health…
  5. Emotional wellbeing and mental health support

    The mental health, mood and emotional wellbeing of children and young people is every bit as important as their physical health. Mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder are common. One in four adults will experience some kind of mental health problem…
  6. Health and Development Reviews

    If you have a toddler aged 8 – 15 months and/or 2 – 2.5 years, you should be hearing from your local Health Visiting Team to invite you to attend a Health & Developmental Review. We strongly encourage you to attend these to ensure the…
  7. Health visiting

    Health visiting services Health Visitors offer services to families within our children’s centres and local health centres to provide services to families in locations close to their home. After attending antenatal classes and being seen at home by midwives, parents will receive information and support…
  8. Measles

    Measles spreads very easily – it is five times more infectious than COVID-19. Measles can cause very serious illnesses like meningitis, sepsis and could result in permanent disabilities such as blindness. Many people who catch measles are likely to be hospitalised.  Find out more about…
  9. Physical difficulties and self care

    Individuals with a physical disability may find it difficult to walk, stand, sit, move their limbs or control certain muscles. A physical disability can affect a person’s mobility, stamina and dexterity and can make it difficult for children and young people to compete everyday tasks. …
  10. Preschool Health Notifications

    When a health care professional identifies that a young child, under 5, may have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) they are required by law to tell the local authority. This is called a Health Early Notification. In the Bi-Borough (Kensington & Chelsea and Westminster),…
  11. Supporting children to communicate

    If you think your child needs some help with their speech, language and communication development, the Bi-Borough Communication Hub is here to help.The hub offers free advice, resources and support to young people of all ages and their families in both Kensington and Chelsea and Westminser, as…
  12. WellComm

    The Bi-borough is proud to deepen its commitment to ensuring 'Brilliant Beginnings' for all young children.  It is recognised in the Early Years Foundation Stage 2021, that spoken language underpins all areas of learning as well as improving life chances for all children.   With this in…
  13. What is the Quality and Outcomes Framework?

    The Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) is a way the NHS rewards GPs for delivering good practice. It works by rating GP performance in several key areas related to quality care and health outcomes. For example, GP practices gain points for keeping a list of…
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