Articles on SEND Local Offer (216)

  1. Health

    Children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) can have varying and often complex health needs. This may mean they are cared for by a range of health professionals from different services. Most health services in the UK are provided by the…
  2. Mediation process and procedure

    Parents and young people can go through mediation following decisions made by the local authority such as: a decision not to carry out an EHC needs assessment a decision not to issue an EHC Plan a decision not to amend an EHC Plan a decision to…
  3. How do children get an autism diagnosis?

    If you suspect that your child may be on the autistic spectrum, you may decide to have them formally assessed. This may result in their being given a diagnosis of an autism spectrum condition (ASC). Receiving a diagnosis can be very beneficial to children and…
  4. Autism Zone

    I am... A parent wondering if my child is autistic A parent of an autistic child An autistic young person Interested in autism training A professional who is supporting autistic children Finding support: autistic children and young people
  5. Download Local Offer leaflets or posters

    Below you can downalod digital copies of our Local Offer leaflets and posters.  Posters display a summary of what the Local Offer is and a link to the website. Leafelts provide more details information about what the Local Offer contains, who it is for, and…
  6. Key words explained

    Somtimes it can be tricky to keep track of all the complex words and abbreviations used when talking about special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). To make it a bit easier, we have produced our a glossary of key words explained which we hope will…
  7. You Said, We Did

    The local authority aims to work collaboratively with both young people with SEND and their parents to create a Local Offer resource that meets their needs. As a part of this, we are always collecting feedback on the website so that we can review and…
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