Articles on Early education and childcare (33)

  1. Helpful information when choosing a Childminder

    Helpful information when choosing a Childminder Here are some key facts and things to consider when looking to use a childminder. What is a registered childminder? A childminder is a person providing care for one or more children aged between birth and 18, to whom…
  2. Babysitters

    A babysitter is someone who temporarily cares for children on behalf of their parents or guardians. Babysitters are generally responsible for planning activities (games, sports, art) or supervising play dates. However, some babysitters will have other responsibilities such as cooking, feeding, transportation and helping with…
  3. Choosing a childcare provider

    There are lots of different types of childcare to choose from. Some families use informal childcare, such as other family members, friends or neighbours. However you may also find that you need to make more formal childcare arrangements. Some childcare settings provide specialist services for…
  4. Early education (Early Years Foundation Stage: EYFS)

    Early Years education is a non-compulsory stage of education generally comprising the ages from birth to 5 (or to the date when a child starts reception). Depending on individual circumstances, parents or carers may choose whether their child go to nursery or are cared for…
  5. Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP)

    The Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) is additional funding given to early years providers to improve the education they provide to some 3 and 4-year-olds. Providers will use the money in ways that they think will support your child’s learning and development. This should be…
  6. The Education System in the UK

    In the UK, education is compulsory for all children between the ages of 5 (4 in Northern Ireland) and 16. In addition, the National Curriculum in England and Wales is constructed in five Key Stages:  1. Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Non-compulsory stage of education for…
  7. Measles

    Measles spreads very easily – it is five times more infectious than COVID-19. Measles can cause very serious illnesses like meningitis, sepsis and could result in permanent disabilities such as blindness. Many people who catch measles are likely to be hospitalised.  Find out more about…
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