Articles on School, education and learning (17)

  1. Free school meals (FSM)

    Free school meals is a government initiative which provides children with a nutritious meal during term time. You can apply for free school meals if your child is in full time education and you receive any of the following benefits: Universal Credit (provided you have an…
  2. What we expect from schools and settings around SEND

    We expect every early years provider, state-funded mainstream and special school and post 16 setting to make effective education for children with special educational needs and disability so that they make good progress in their learning and, in the long-term, can become independent and gain…
  3. Early education (Early Years Foundation Stage: EYFS)

    Early Years education is a non-compulsory stage of education generally comprising the ages from birth to 5 (or to the date when a child starts reception). Depending on individual circumstances, parents or carers may choose whether their child go to nursery or are cared for…
  4. Bullying at schools

    Please find below some useful links with regards to bullying: Kensington and Chelsea: local safeguarding children board/bullying at school parents need to know about bullying at schools and academies Childline/types of bullying Anti bullying: guidance for schools
  5. Breakfast and after school clubs

    Wraparound childcare You may find the following guide useful: Before and after school childcare: Everything you need to know about wraparound care - The Education Hub ( Breakfast clubs These provide a safe place for your child to wait until school starts and many can provide…
  6. School term and holiday dates

    The following are the recommended school terms and holiday dates for nursery, primary and secondary schools. Please note that schools have the autonomy to determine their own term dates. The School Admissions Team will continue to consult on and determine recommended dates, as outlined below,…
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