Articles (41)

  1. Educating your child at home

    Parents/carers are legally required to ensure their child is in receipt of a suitable education but this does not have to be in a school. Some will choose to electively home educate. Elective home education is the term used to describe a parent or carer's…
  2. Education, employment and training

    Routes into paid employment Many young people with learning difficulties or a disability will want to have a job in the future. To achieve this goal they may need additional support during their training or in the work place. Not everyone will be able to…
  3. Education, learning and skills

    A complete list of schools in Kensington and Chelsea can be found here. The best school or educational setting for your child depends on their needs. This section of our Local Offer explains the different types of educational provision available for children and young people…
  4. Fair Shot Training Programme

    "Changing lives one cup at a time", Fair Shot are a social enterprise cafe and registered UK charity that aims to transform the lives of young adults aged 18-25 with learning disabilities and/or autism through specialty coffee. Their mission is to be the stepping stone to…
  5. Funding equipment in schools for pupils with SEND

    In general, it is the responsibility of the school and education setting to fund equipment that supports the needs of children or young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) who attend.  However, the Local Authority understands that it is not always reasonable to…
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