Search results for "library" (11)

  1. Kensington and Chelsea Libraries

    There are a six free public libraries based across Kensington and Chelsea offering a wide range of services, activities and events for people of all ages and different needs. Read this page for an introduction to some of the work they do for the local…
  2. Young people's hub

    Welcome to our Young People's hub! If you are a young person up to the age of 19 (or up to the age of 25 if you have additional needs) and would like to be up-to-date about matters that concern you, this is the place…
  3. Supporting children to communicate

    If you think your child needs some help with their speech, language and communication development, the Bi-Borough Communication Hub is here to help.The hub offers free advice, resources and support to young people of all ages and their families in both Kensington and Chelsea and Westminser, as…
  4. Draft: Hospitality and Catering

    This Pathways Roadmap shows some of the different routes you can take after leaving school to get into a job within Hospitality and Catering including the courses offered locally which would develop the knowledge, skills and experiences needed to get there. First check out this…
  5. RBKC Supported Internship

    Do you want to get a job but need support to develop your employability skills and experience of the workplace first? In September each year, Kensington and Chelsea Council host a Supported Internship programme, in partnership with Ealing Hammersmith and West London College and Action on Disability,…
  6. Careers guidance resources

    This section provides guidance about different career paths. Please note that the Family Information Service do no manage the content within the links below. In addition, we offer an impartial service and we cannot recommend or endorse any of the providers listed. National Careers Service Careersmart…
  7. Going to university if you have SEND

    If you are a young person who has special educational needs and/or a disability (SEND), you should not feel that this stops you from going to university. If attending university is something that you want to do, there is support available to help you with…
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