Targeted Prevention Team (TPT)


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Targeted Prevention Team (TPT) is a team of experienced and dedicated Careers, Education, Employment and Training Workers.  The team offer mentoring and coaching to young people, living in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, aged 16 - 19 (up to 25 SEND and an EHCP) Not in Education, Employment and Training (NEET), or at risk of becoming NEET.

Young people are supported into positive outcomes such as, education, employment, an apprenticeship or traineeship.  Each session is tailored to meet the needs and aspirations of the young person. Regular one-to-one or interactive groupwork sessions are delivered in youth hubs and community settings.

Who to contact

Contact Name
Zeena Gordon
Contact Position
Senior Targeted Prevention Team Coordinator
07714563240 07714563240
[email protected]
TPT page
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Age Ranges
16 - 19 (upto 25 SEND / EHCP)
Referral required?
Referral Details

If you know a young person, living in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, aged 16 - 19 (upto 25 SEND / EHCP), not engaging in education, employment or training.  Please contact Zeena Gordon: Senior Targeted Prevention Coordinator on 07714 563 240.



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