Decision on whether to conduct an Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment (EHCP Test)
Who makes the decision?
All requests for an Education, Health and Care (EHC) needs assessment are considered by the SEN Panel. This is a group of professionals who meet on a weekly basis (during term time). It is made up of:
- SEN Team Manager (chair)
- Social care representative - Short breaks/social care
- Designated Clinical Officer
- Other Health representative e.g. therapist
- Educational Psychology
- Schools representative - Head Teacher/SENCO/School Standards
The purpose of the panel is to make sure that the Local Authority benefits from the advice of subject experts when making decisions. Note that the panel can reccommend but it is for the Local Authority to make a final decision.
The Terms of Reference and Attendee Advice documents provide more information about when the panels are held, who attends and what decisions the panel is required to make.
How long will it take for a decision to be made?
The Local Authority is legally required to make a decision on whether or not to conduct an Education, Health and Care needs assessment within 6 weeks of receiving a request.
What should I do whilst waiting for the outcome?
SEND Support
If you have talked about a child or young person's needs with their nursery, school or college teacher and they have agreed that the child or young person may have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), the setting should have put into place a SEND Support Plan. The SEND Support Support Plan offers targeted support to the child or young person to help meet their needs. Often, this is an intermediary step before applying for an Education, Health and Care needs assessment.
Click here to read more about SEND Support and what it can include
If a decision is made to conduct an assessment ✔️
We will proceed with an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Needs Assessment. This process will involve gathering evidence from you and from professionals working with your family about the needs of your child.
If there is sufficient evidence that your child's needs exceed what can be met within the Local Offer, this process will result in an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)
Click here for more information on the EHC Needs Assessment process
If a decision is made not to conduct an assessment ❌
If the Local Authority decides not to conduct an EHC needs assessment, this will be because we believe that a child or young person can be supported without an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). This does not mean that a child or young person will receive no extra support. There will be a meeting at your child's place of education (e.g. nursery, school or college) to discuss how needs can be met from the local offer. This may include SEND Support at school and/or other targeted provision.
If you are unhappy with the decision not to conduct an assessment, you may wish to Speak To An SEN Manager about your concerns, or you may Appeal the Decision.