Articles on Parents and Carers (132)

  1. Choice of education

    There are several types of schools to chose from and formal education could also take place at your home. You can find an overview of these options below: 
  2. Choosing a childcare provider

    There are lots of different types of childcare to choose from. Some families use informal childcare, such as other family members, friends or neighbours. However you may also find that you need to make more formal childcare arrangements. Some childcare settings provide specialist services for…
  3. Detached and Outreach Team (DOT)

    Welcome to the Detached and Outreach Team webpage We are a team of youth workers working in Kensington and Chelsea. We offer a variety of free youth work support including: Detached (street-based) sessions Outreach (helping children and young people to access provision in youth centres…
  4. Disability Access Fund (DAF)

    From April 2017, the Government introduced new funding for Early Years childcare providers to enable them to offer more places to young children with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND). This funding is called the Disability Access Fund (DAF). The DAF is available to Early Years…
  5. Disagreements, mediation and the SEND Tribunal

    The Children and Families Act 2014 requires all local authorities and health commissioner services to provide an independent mediation and dispute resolution service to help when parents/carers, young people, schools, health care services and the local authority cannot agree on how to meet a child…
  6. Disclaimer

    The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea ('the Council') is committed to the highest standard of quality information and every attempt has been made to present up to date and accurate information. The purpose of this website is to provide information on activities and support services available to…
  7. Early education (Early Years Foundation Stage: EYFS)

    Early Years education is a non-compulsory stage of education generally comprising the ages from birth to 5 (or to the date when a child starts reception). Depending on individual circumstances, parents or carers may choose whether their child go to nursery or are cared for…
  8. Early education and childcare information

    This section provides information and guidance about early education and childcare in Kensington and Chelsea, including the different entitlements and funding options and information about local early years providers. For information on childcare providers and activities in Westminster, visit: Westminster FIS. Choosing a provider and…
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