Health Visiting Teams Opening Hours: Monday - Sunday 9:00am-5:00pm (including bank holidays) 02082 002 500 ext 2 02082 002 500 ext 2
Hill House School (Junior School) Nursery Units of Independent Schools 17Hans PlaceLondonSW1X 0EP 020 7584 1331 020 7584 1331
Holland Park Pre-Prep & Nursery Childcare on Non Domestic Premises 5Holland RoadKensingtonLondonW14 8HJ 020 7602 9066 020 7602 9066
Holland Park Pre-School Childcare on Non Domestic Premises c/o Parks OfficeStable YardHolland ParkLondonW8 6LU 020 7603 2838 020 7603 2838
Holmfield House Family Hub 4-6 Golborne RoadLondonW10 5PE 020 7938 8400 020 7938 8400 020 7361 2202 020 7361 2202
Holy Trinity CE Primary School (Kensington and Chelsea) Holy Trinity C Of E Primary SchoolSedding StreetLondonSW1X 9DE 020 7881 9860 020 7881 9860
HomeStart (Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster) St. Paul's Church, 3Rossmore RoadLondonNW1 6NJ 020 7724 1345 020 7724 1345
Homework club @ Rugby Portobello Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 3.45pm-5.30pm 221 Walmer RoadW11 4EY 020 7229 2928 020 7229 2928
Homework help @ The Venture Centre Wednesdays 4:30pm-6pm 103a Wornington RoadLondonW10 5YB 020 8960 3234 020 8960 3234
Homework support @ Brompton Library Wednesday 3.30-4.30pm (term time) Brompton Library, 210Old Brompton RoadLondonSW5 0BS 020 7361 3010 020 7361 3010
Housing and Employment Service Kensington Town HallHornton StreetLondonW8 7NX 020 7361 2070 020 7361 2070
Hub Cafe Play @ Notting Hill Community Church Thursdays and Fridays, 10.30am-12.30pm Notting Hill Community ChurchKensington Park RoadLondonW11 2ES
Impact Mindful Martial Arts (IMMA) @ Progressay Impact Fridays, multiple sessions Unit 12Latimer RoadLondonW10 6RQ