Articles on SEND Local Offer (12)

  1. Accessing Health Services - FAQs

    How will health professionals care for me or my child? If you or your child are supported by a number of different health professionals, they will work with one another to ensure that information is shared and care is well coordinated. This approach helps them…
  2. Core Offer

    What is core offer and how do I access it? Families may be signposted to the Local Offer and other available services including those provided by the voluntary sector. These are services where the Local Authority have given the service extra money to enable children…
  3. Eating, Drinking and Feeding

    Some children with special educational needs or disabilities to struggle with eating drinking and feeding. It’s important not to force your child to eat and drink. This will make it even harder for them. Try to make mealtimes as an enjoyable experience as you can. Health…
  4. Education Health and Care Plans (EHCPs)

    Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) are legal documents which describe how the special education, health or social care needs of a child or young person (aged 0-25) will be met. These documents are designed in partnership with families and young people so they reflect…
  5. Family Support Q&As

    On this page, you can find answers to your questions regarding support for families of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). All the questions have been submitted by local parents and answered by Local Authority staff. Click on a question to read the…
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