Articles on SEND Local Offer (224)

  1. Opportunities for 16-25

    Want to find out more about services and opportunities which can help you as you prepare for adulthood? Check out this useful document for young people 16-25 listing information about; careers and employment support services, College Search engines, Finance, Housing, Mental Health support, Volunteering, Youth activities and…
  2. Out-of-borough schools

    The borough has some of the highest performing maintained schools in the country. The outcomes for pupils with SEND are better here than the national average.  The Ofsted ratings of our local schools mean that families are assured of a school that is rated good…
  3. Parent Zone

    The Parent Zone is the part of the Local Offer where parents can get answers to the questions that matter to them. We have worked in partnership with parents from across Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster to compile a list of the most important questions. You…
  4. Pathways to Employment

    This Pathways Roadmap shows some of the different routes you can take after leaving school to get into a job and the courses offered locally which would develop the knowledge, skills and experiences needed to get there. To make the best use of this information…
  5. Personal Budgets

    Personal budgets Instead of a managed budget where the local authority book and facilitate the child/ young person’s care package through our in-house services or external providers. Instead, you can manage the whole care package through the form of a personal budget. This means the…
  6. Physical difficulties and self care

    Individuals with a physical disability may find it difficult to walk, stand, sit, move their limbs or control certain muscles. A physical disability can affect a person’s mobility, stamina and dexterity and can make it difficult for children and young people to compete everyday tasks. …
  7. Pre-school health notifications

    When a health care professional identifies that a young child, under 5, may have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) they are required by law to tell the local authority. This is called a Health Early Notification. In the Bi-Borough (Kensington & Chelsea and Westminster),…
  8. Preparing for Adulthood Protocol

    Please follow this link for our Bi-borough Preparing for Adulthood Protocol, which has been developed in partnership between practitioners from Education, Health and Social Care. The Protocol provides guidance to the workforce across education and social care as they support young people and their families to plan…
  9. Preschool Health Notifications

    When a health care professional identifies that a young child, under 5, may have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) they are required by law to tell the local authority. This is called a Health Early Notification. In the Bi-Borough (Kensington & Chelsea and Westminster),…
  10. Purple Badge parking scheme

    What is the Purple Badge Scheme? The Government's Blue Badge scheme doesn't apply to central London due to traffic congestion and the high demand for parking space. Our Purple Badge scheme for disabled residents runs alongside the Blue Badge scheme. This means you will need…
  11. RBKC Supported Internship

    Do you want to get a job but need support to develop your employability skills and experience of the workplace first? In September each year, Kensington and Chelsea Council host a Supported Internship programme, in partnership with Morley College and Action on Disability, where up to 12…
  12. Registering and managing your website listings

    The Kensington and Chelsea Family Information Hub is managed by the Family Information Service and the SEND Local Offer teams at Kensington and Chelsea council. If you offer a service for expectant parents, parents/carers, children under the age of 19 (under 25 if they have…
  13. Relaxed Mondays at the Cartoon Museum

    Join us for a morning or afternoon specifically designed for children and young people with autism spectrum conditions or sensory processing differences to visit the museum - without the distraction of other visitors - with their families, carers or friends. These Relaxed Mondays have been specifically…
  14. School SEN Policies and Information Reports

    Schools (including mainstream schools, nurseries, and academy schools) must publish information on their websites about their arrangements for meeting the needs of pupils with SEN. This includes their SEN Policy and SEN Information Report. These should be freely available to download from their websites and must…
  15. Schools and learning Q&As

    On this page, you can find answers to your questions regarding schools, from the different type of schools available, to school support for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). The content sections below contains questions have been submitted by local parents and answered…
  16. SEN Inclusion Fund (SENIF)

    The SEN Inclusion Fund (SENIF) is available to ensure the inclusion of children with additional needs in early education.  The Enhanced SENIF is for:  3- and 4-year olds (no matter where they live) who are taking up any number of hours of free entitlement who have…
  17. SEN Strategy Refresh - 2021-2024

    The current Kensington and Chelsea Council Strategy for Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (our ‘SEND Strategy’) was published in 2018. The nature of co-production, learning from the experiences of our local community and aiming to deliver outstanding services in an…
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