Articles on SEND Local Offer (44)

  1. What we expect from schools and settings around SEND

    We expect every early years provider, state-funded mainstream and special school and post 16 setting to make effective education for children with special educational needs and disability so that they make good progress in their learning and, in the long-term, can become independent and gain…
  2. Broad areas of need

    SEND CoP Chapter 6 - 'The 4 Broad areas of need': Communication and interaction 6.28 Children and young people with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) have difficulty in communicating with others. This may be because they have difficulty saying what they want to, understanding…
  3. What is the 'Early Help Service'?

    Early Help in Kensington and Chelsea is a way of getting extra support when needed. Our integrated 0-19 (25 with SEND) service aims to help families when difficulties first begin so that we can support them with finding solutions quickly. Through our Family Hub Model,…
  4. Support for young carers

    Are you under 18 and looking after someone in your family who is ill or disabled? This may be a parent, a brother or sister or a grandparent. Maybe you help by staying at home a lot to be there for them, helping them get…
  5. Childcare Sufficiency Assessment (CSA)

    A Childcare Sufficiency Assessment (CSA) is an assessment of existing childcare provision in the borough, mapping supply of, demand for and gaps in the childcare market. The Childcare Act 2006 places a legal duty on local authorities to secure sufficient childcare (so far as is…
  6. Health and Development Reviews

    If you have a toddler aged 8 – 15 months and/or 2 – 2.5 years, you should be hearing from your local Health Visiting Team to invite you to attend a Health & Developmental Review. We strongly encourage you to attend these to ensure the…
  7. Involving an Educational Psychologist (EP)

    What is an Educational Psychologist (EP)? Educational and Child Psychologists have expertise in education, learning, child development and the application of psychology to improve the learning and well-being/mental health of children and young people from birth up to the age of 25 years. They apply…
  8. Kensington and Chelsea Libraries

    There are a six free public libraries based across Kensington and Chelsea offering a wide range of services, activities and events for people of all ages and different needs. Read this page for an introduction to some of the work they do for the local…
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