Health and Safety


Manual handling

A manual handling operation may be defined as 'any transporting or supporting of a load (including lifting, putting down, pushing pulling, carrying or moving thereof) by hand or bodily force'.

Violence at work

The key issues for employers and employees to prevent and tackle aggressive or violent behaviour at work.

Accidents and injuries

Information about accidents and injuries at work including when accidents and injuries should be reported.


Information about the use of asbestos which was banned in the UK in 1999 including relevant legislation and further details.

Food premises workplace safety

Common hazards and workplace safety in food premises.

Chemical substances in the workplace

These could include solvents and liquid paper thinners, cleaning chemicals for photocopying machines, pesticides, paint removing liquids, chemicals used in dry cleaning and such like

Children and young people at work

Legislation and guidance relating to children and young people at work

Cooling Towers

Information on registering premises where cooling towers and evaporative condensers are located. Registered organisations are also listed.

Dermatitis at work

Dermatitis - or, more correctly Occupational Dermatitis - affects virtually all types of work. Dermatitis usually affects the hands and forearms, although sometimes the head and chested may be affected.


Information about electricity including details of what to do when employing a qualified electrician and details on electricity safety.

Employers' liability compulsory insurance

Employers are responsible for the health and safety of their employees while they are ate work. It is the law to have this insurance if you employ anyone.


Safety advice around gas, including emergency contact details

Jacuzzis and spas

How to avoid the spread of bacteria and infections

Legionnaires' disease

Information about minimising the risk Legionnaires' disease in the borough.

Lone working

Employers must carry out risk assessments of their loan workers and put suitable control measures in place.

Office safety - common faults

Advice on office safety including information on risk assessments and things to look out for.

Noise at work

Information on noise at work, what to do and measures employers can take where levels are likely to be exceeded.

Shop safety - common faults

Shop safety- common faults No matter what kinds of goods are being sold in shops accidents and injuries do occur In supermarkets, for instance, shopping trolleys may hurt children

Slip, trips and falls at work

Find out about slip, trips and falls at work including what employers need to do and legislation to comply with.

Smoking at work

Kensington and Chelsea Smokefree workplaces. In July 2007, it became illegal to smoke in any workplace or work vehicle in England.

Storeroom safety - hazards

Information on common and often hidden hazards found in storerooms. Storerooms can be used for food, clothing, and a variety of other items.

Workplace equipment

Employers must ensure safe use of all equipment, including starting, stopping, installing, dismantling, programming, setting, transporting, maintaining, servicing and cleaning.

Workshop safety - hazards

Carpentry, welding, panel beating and paint spraying are just four of the jobs that could be associated with workshops.

Safety at work

Information about employers' responsibilities to keep their employees and buildings safe.

Health and Safety at Work Act

The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 provides the legal framework to promote, stimulate and encourage high standards of health and safety in places of work. 

Useful websites relating to health and safety

Information on useful websites including guidance from the Department of Health and the Environment Agency for ensuring health and safety.

A to Z of Health and Safety

Information on the Council's A to Z of Health and Safety. This includes a range of topics with links to other websites for further details.

Health and safety inspections and enforcement

Find out what happens during a health and safety inspection and how to appeal.

What we do

Find out how the Health and Safety Team enforce health and safety matters in non-industrial premises.

Privacy Notice for Health and Safety

Information about our privacy notice and how the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea’s Health and Safety team processes your data in accordance with legal requirements.