Registering to vote and new voter ID requirements

Public inspection of the Electoral Register

The full Register of Electors lists the names and addresses of all those registered to vote in public elections and is open to public inspection.

Information from the full register may not be used for commercial purposes if the elector has ‘opted out’ of the open (edited) register. The open register contains the same information as the full register but is not used for elections or referendums. It is updated and published every month and can be sold to any person, organisation or company for a wide range of purposes. It is used by businesses and charities for checking names and address details; users of the register include direct marketing firms and online directory firms.

To inspect the full Register of Electors, please contact the Local Studies and Archives section of Kensington Central Library to make an appointment. Your appointment will be supervised, and only hand-written notes may be taken. Photocopying or electronic recording are not allowed by law. Anyone who fails to observe these conditions is committing a criminal offence (maximum fine £5,000).

Last updated: 1 February 2024