Greener living

Greener living

Much can be done at a local level to combat climate change and lessen our impact on the environment.
Reducing your energy consumption will help reduce your CO2 emissions as well as your bills. Switch to energy saving bulbs and make sure you have switched everything off before you go to bed or go out.
Consider getting a Power Down device, or a Smart Meter, to monitor how much electricity you use. Measures such as boiler replacement and loft and cavity insulation can save even more energy.
The government's Green Deal initiative can help you make energy efficiency improvements to your home at no upfront cost to you.


Greener Living Guide


Reducing waste

Reducing waste stops our rubbish going to landfill, saves energy and resources, and doesn't cost us anything. Visit the recycling page and the waste minimisation page for more information.


Further information


Other resources

Last updated: 11 March 2020