Grenfell Complaints

Grenfell complaints

You can make a complaint about any of the following Grenfell related services:

  • The application of the Grenfell Rehousing Policy in the rehousing of former residents of Grenfell Tower and Grenfell Walk.
  • The application of the Wider Grenfell Rehousing Policy in the rehousing of residents of Barandon Walk, Testerton Walk, Hurstway Walk, Treadgold House and Bramley House.
  • The Dedicated Service for bereaved and survivors.
  • Management of properties occupied by former residents of Grenfell Tower and Grenfell Walk, including complaints about repairs to properties.
You can make a complaint:
Complaints which are outside the scope of the Grenfell Complaints process include:
  • Challenges to an agreed policy or procedure (you can, however, complain about how the Council applied a policy or procedure or used it to make a decision).
  • Claims for compensation dealt with by the Council’s insurers or complaints about a decision that insurers have made.
Services will not usually be able to consider cases where:
  • A complaint includes the same facts as those that you have instructed solicitors to start a court claim or one is already in progress.
  • Complaints that have been raised more than 12 months after the event (unless there is exceptional circumstances).

You can find full details of complaints that are not managed through the complaints process on the Council’s main complaint page

Residents rehoused under the Grenfell Rehousing Policy and the Wider Grenfell Rehousing Policy have the right to have the decision taken about their case reviewed by the IA. This is separate from the complaints process. More information about this is contained in the Rehousing Review Factsheet.


Last updated: 7 April 2021