Gardening, Building Safety and Tea at Chesterton!

Published: Tuesday 26 September 2023

Our Building Safety Managers are always looking at different ways to engage with our residents and most recently the green-fingered among them dug out their gardening gloves and got stuck in with some communal planting!

Although gardening was a lovely way to spend the day it was actually due to the building safety that it needed to be carried out. The greenery had started to overgrow and cover the external gas pipes which could pose a great risk to the residents if not rectified. 

Once the team found their shovels, trowels and shears and got down to business they soon had the area cut back and cleared to a safe level. 

Once everyone had recovered from the vigorous activity the team broke out the tea, cake and sat the younger residents down to talk about the role of a building safety manager and how they can help themselves to stay safe.

A big thank you to all those who came out to help including our partners at Overbury and colleagues working in Environmental Services, Neighbourhood Services, Estate Services.

9 people standing with gardening utensils posing
3 young children and middle aged woman engaging in gardening activities