Articles on SEND Local Offer (216)

  1. My Personal Passport

    What is My Personal Passport? The Personal Passport has been designed by the local authority as an easy way for staff to find out important information about the children and young people they work with who have SEND. It includes: Things staff must know about…
  2. Emergency Essentials Programme

    The Emergency Essentials Programme is provided as part of the BBC's Children in Need. It provides support to families of children and young people living in poverty, who have a lack of the basic facilities which most of us take for granted, and additional pressures…
  3. Independent special institutions

    Section 41 of the Children and Families Act 2014 allows the Secretary of State to publish a list of approved independent educational institutions, independent special schools and post-16 institutions for the purposes of enabling the institution to be the subject of a request for it…
  4. Join the Family Hubs Parent and Carer Shadow Board

    Dear Parents and Carers, The Kensington and Chelsea Family Hubs Team are currently recruiting Parents and Carers who wish to become Shadow Boards. Please find more information on the leaflet below. Should you wish to express interest in this opportunity, do not hesitate to contact…
  5. Finding support for autistic children and young people

    This resource provides guidance and information for families, parents, carers, and professionals looking for support for autistic children and young people in Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster. There is support available for those who have been diagnosed already, are waiting for a diagnosis, or those…
  6. Changes to the powers of the SEND Tribunal

    What is the National Trial? The Government are extending the powers of the First-tier Tribunal (SEND), sometimes referred to as the ‘SEND Tribunal’, to make non-binding recommendations about the health and social care aspects of Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans as part of a…
  7. Schools and learning Q&As

    On this page, you can find answers to your questions regarding schools, from the different type of schools available, to school support for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). The content sections below contains questions have been submitted by local parents and answered…
  8. How to access a Short Break

    Service Navigator – Overview The ‘navigator’ will operate as part of the Bi-Borough Short Breaks Service. A single point of contact for all referrals in the Disabled Children and Young People’s service. Families with children between the age of 0 and 18 may be entitled to support…
  9. Your local transition service

    At the age of 16, young people who have disabilities, and who may already have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) in place, will start to be supported by the council’s transition team if they have social care needs and are eligible for council…
  10. Transition to Adulthood - reflections from parents

    We know that the processes of transitioning from Children's Services to Adult Social Care can be a daunting time. We hope that these two videos from local parents who have recently gone through this process are helpful. Lesly highlights the importance of starting your planning…
  11. Purple Badge parking scheme

    What is the Purple Badge Scheme? The Government's Blue Badge scheme doesn't apply to central London due to traffic congestion and the high demand for parking space. Our Purple Badge scheme for disabled residents runs alongside the Blue Badge scheme. This means you will need…
  12. Support for young carers

    Are you under 18 and looking after someone in your family who is ill or disabled? This may be a parent, a brother or sister or a grandparent. Maybe you help by staying at home a lot to be there for them, helping them get…
  13. Early education and childcare Q&As

    On this page, you can find answers to your questions regarding early years and childcare for special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). All the questions have been submitted by local parents and answered by Local Authority staff. Click on a question to read the response.  …
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