Accessible Transport

Accessible Transport Service response times

The Accessible Transport Service response time for all concessions is upto 12 weeks for all new concessions. In order to allow us to meet our 12 week target and the quickest way to ensure there are no delays is for all the documentation and payment if applicable, are sent in with the application.

Last updated: 20 October 2022


Community Transport

Information on the different options available to help you get out and about.

Disabled parking for visitors

Information on the 'Blue Badge' scheme which does not apply in central London and the benefits a blue badge gives in the borough.

Freedom Pass

Information on the two types of Freedom Pass which are only available to people who are resident in London.


The Taxicard scheme offers subsidised travel in licensed vehichles to London residents who have serious mobility or sight impairments.

Suggest a new Blue Badge bay

Suggest a location for new Blue Badge disabled parking bays.