Registrars' Service Delivery

Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire

The Registrars department at the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea has a long history of excellent customer service and your views are important to help us further improve the service that we provide.

If you have used one of our services, we are keen to hear your views on the service you received. Whether this was for a happy occasion such as a marriage ceremony or the registration of a birth, or a sadder occasion such as the registration of a death of a loved one. Your views are important to us so that we can understand what we are doing well, and what we can improve on.

We would therefore be extremely grateful if you were able to take a minute to complete our short survey. All responses are anonymous and will be used solely for the purpose of improving our customer service.

Complete the survey

Our Service Delivery Agreement

The Registration Service Delivery Plan encourages good practice and outlines our commitment to the service delivery standards contained in the Code of Practice for Local Registration Authorities in England and Wales. This code of practice is complemented by a good practice guide which provides information on specific national standards we must meet, together with aspirational standards.

The details are contained in our Registration Service Delivery Plan:

Our Performance

Our performance against six key performance indicators, published in our Registration Service Delivery Plan, is shown below. Owing to pandemic, our performance standards were lower than usual.

Good Practice Guide Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

  1. Events accurately registered within statutory timeframe

    i) National Standard: 98% of births and still-births registered within 42 days
    Our Performance: 99% of births and 100% of still-births
    ii) National Standard: 90% of non-coronial deaths registered within 5 days
    Our Performance: 81%
    iii) National Standard: Declare percentage of coronial deaths (excluding post mortem and inquest cases) registered within 5 days
    Our Performance: 23%
    iv) National Standard: Declare percentage of deaths after post mortem (excluding inquest cases) registered within 7 days
    Our Performance: 3%
    v) National Standard: Declare percentage of deaths registered within 24 hours of receipt of coroner’s certificate after inquest
    Our Performance: 95%

  2. Average waiting times

    i) National Standard: 95% of customers able to obtain an appointment to register a birth or birth declaration within 5 working days
    Our Performance: 100%
    ii) National Standard: 95% of customers able to obtain an appointment to register a death or still-birth, including declarations, within 2 working days
    Our Performance: Deaths 100% and still-births 100%
    iii) National Standard: 95% of customers able to obtain an appointment to give notice within 10 working days
    Our Performance: 96%
    iv) National Standard: 90% of customers with an appointment were seen within 10 minutes of their appointment time
    Our Performance: 92%

  3. Issue certificates from deposited registers

    i) National Standard: 95% of certificate applications from deposited registers to be dealt with within 7 days of receipt
    Our Performance: 99%

  4. Citizenship Certificates

    i) National Standard: 100% of notifications for Citizenship certificates dated correctly and sent to the Home Office within 14 days of the ceremony
    Our Performance: 100%

  5. Offer facility for forms of declaration for birth, still-birth and deaths

    i) National Standard: 95% of incoming declarations registered within 24 hours of receipt
    Our Performance: 97%

  6. Customer satisfaction

    i) National Standard: 95% of customers satisfied with our service
    Our Performance: 97%
    In 2023-24 the Kensington and Chelsea Registration Service received 3 complaints and 703 written instances of praise.

You Commented, We Listened, The Result 

You Commented We Listened The Result
You told us that you would like to see our ceremony rooms improved

We delivered a full refurbishment of all entrance area, all our ceremony rooms including the linking corridor, and the ceremony waiting area

Customer feedback has been outstanding and we have increased the number of bookings as a result
You told us you wanted an improved website experience to access our services

We applied for and were awarded funding to make improvements to our website and its functionality

We are currently working on an extensive project to deliver a new website with improved functionality and hope this will be ready by 2025
You told us that you wanted us to maintain our already high levels of customer service

We undertook a range of activities to evaluate our customer service standards to learn where we could build on our already high standards, and continued to invest in our team’s customer service training with bespoke training around customer care

Our customer satisfaction in 2023-24 was 97% with only 3 complaints and 703 instances of written praise

Customer Charter for Kensington and Chelsea Register Office

Last updated: 1 May 2024