A guide to leaving care

Guide to leaving care

In April 2024 the Council agreed that ‘Care Leaver’ should be considered as a local protected characteristic by Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea.

Our aim is to work together to further develop Council and partnership commitments to care leavers through providing enhanced work experience, apprenticeship, and employment opportunities as part of our corporate parenting responsibilities. This will also include recognising your needs as part of Equality Impact Assessments and ensuring that care leavers are considered across all strategies, responsible procurement and commissioned contracts.

Moving out of care and living independently is a big step. This guide tells you all about the support available in Kensington and Chelsea for you as a care leaver.

Just because you are leaving care, or have already left care, we haven’t stopped caring about you. We want to make sure that you feel safe and supported and know where and who to go to for advice and help.

Local care leavers have helped to make this guide. We will continue to listen to your views to make sure the services we offer are what you need. We have written this information with the Future Union (Children in Care Council).

How to find out whether you are eligible for support 

To be able to get the support laid out here, you must have been in care for at least 13 weeks between the ages of 14 and 16 (including your 16th birthday) or for 13 weeks after your 16th birthday. Eligibility for a care leavers service can be explained by a social worker, Personal Advisor or the Children’s Advocate who can help you understand whether or not you qualify for support and what level of support you are entitled to.

Last updated: 18 July 2024