
Family Services Select Committee

What does this select committee do?

The Family Services Select Committee examines topics related to:

  • social services provision for children and families
  • education, training and youth services and support
  • early years, childcare and play services
  • sports education
  • libraries and other related topics

The select committee reviews of topics throughout the municipal year by discussing reports at formal meetings, carrying out in-depth scrutiny at single-issue meetings and setting up working groups. The select committee will seek to gather evidence from the community and to hear from local people, and policy experts.

Current priorities for the select committee

The priorities for the current municipal year 2024-25 include:

  • 0-18 a child’s timeline
  • transformation and redesigning the delivery of children’s and family services
  • SEND provision
  • mental health
  • Pathway to employment
  • North Kensington Social Justice Archive

Meeting papers and agendas are available on the Council committee pages.

Last updated: 27 August 2024