
Overview and scrutiny

Overview and Scrutiny has the power to look at anything which affects the borough and its local people. It is not possible for us to tackle every issue in a single year so scrutiny will prioritise topics and allocate them to scrutiny and select committees according to what matters most to local people, where scrutiny can add more value and where it can deliver clear outcomes.

What issues should we look at?

Scrutiny looks at issues that matter most to our residents. If you would like to suggest a topic for the work programme please email [email protected] or you can send your suggestions to the Scrutiny Team at Kensington Town Hall, W8 7NX.

Better scrutiny means better services for local people

This Council, like other councils up and down the country, must have a scrutiny function. This is a way that backbench and Opposition councillors who are not part of the decision-making Leadership Team can hold those decision makers to account, identify service improvements and contribute to policy development.

Scrutiny can be done in a wide variety of ways. It can happen at formal Scrutiny Committee meetings, in informal working groups, inquiry-type meetings or through information-gathering exercises such as residents’ panels or focus groups. A lot of the most effective Scrutiny work, especially identifying service or policy improvements which benefit residents, happens in these less formal settings.

Scrutiny of Grenfell matters

The lessons from Grenfell are at the heart of the Council Plan and vision for a Greener, Safer, Fairer Borough and also features prominently in the scrutiny work programme. Scrutiny of Grenfell matters takes place through the overarching Overview and Scrutiny Committee and through all four select committees in line with their theme,  for example housing issues will be considered by Housing and Communities Select Committee, and health and wellbeing issues by the Adult Social Care and Health Select Committee.

Grenfell matters are therefore looked at by five committees instead of one single committee, helping the Council to learn lessons from the tragedy and to allow a wider range of issues to be explored in greater depth.

How scrutiny works?

At formal scrutiny meetings a range of people can contribute - not just lead members and senior officers, but also experts on relevant subjects. That way councillors can hear from many different voices and perspectives as they develop their recommendations about the things that matter to borough residents.

Working groups will sometimes include a ‘call for evidence’. That way residents will have an opportunity to contribute ideas and suggestions at the start of each review and contribute at meetings. But it’s not just about going to meetings – local people might prefer to send in written evidence or video clips. Some residents might want to volunteer to be co-opted members of working groups.

Scrutiny reviews are planned and publicised in advance so that local people have a better chance to contribute.

Councillors may also attend meetings arranged by the community to observe and listen to residents. Information gathered will be brought back to the formal committee meetings.

The outcomes from reviews and the difference they have made to policies and services will be well-publicised so residents know what difference their involvement has made.

If you have any queries please email the Scrutiny Team at [email protected]. Meeting papers and agendas are available on the Council committee pages.

Annual Scrutiny report

Each year the scrutiny and select committees produce an Annual Report which is a look back at activities over the year and also includes plans for future scrutiny. The Annual Report for 2023-24 is attached below. 

Overview and Scrutiny Committee

The Overview and Scrutiny Select Committee key and statutory responsibilities include:

  • overarching responsibility for scrutiny of Grenfell related matters
  • ;scrutiny of the design and delivery of future Grenfell support to bereaved and survivors and the immediate local community following the Grenfell tragedy
  • scrutiny of the Council Plan Action Plan and Corporate Performance
  • budget scrutiny
  • crime and disorder – statutory scrutiny
  • review of the Annual Scrutiny Work Programme
  • assessing the impact and effectiveness of scrutiny

The committee reviews of topics throughout the municipal year by discussing reports at formal meetings, carrying out in-depth scrutiny at single-issue meetings and setting up working groups. The committee will seek to gather evidence from the community and to hear from local people, and policy experts.

Budget scrutiny

The Overview and Scrutiny Committee has lead responsibility for budget scrutiny. This scrutiny is carried out by a Budget Working Group as well as at the select committee meetings in the autumn of each year. Effective financial and budget scrutiny provides assurance to the Council that the budget is robust and sustainable. The findings and recommendations from budget scrutiny are collated into a report for review and agreement by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and it is then referred to the Leadership Team for a formal response. The Budget Working Group Report for the 2024-25 Budget is attached below.

Last updated: 30 August 2024