Leader of the Council and the Leadership Team

The role of the Leader and the Leadership Team

The Leadership Team is made up of the Leader of the Council and up to nine other councillors, known as Lead Members, who are selected by the Leader. 

The Leadership Team has overall responsibility for the strategic direction and decision-making within the Council. All decisions are published in advance and are open to scrutiny by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and four Select Committees. To find out more about Leadership Team meetings and related decisions visit the Leadership Team and Key Decisions page.

The Leadership Team is also responsible for providing Borough-wide leadership. This includes engaging with residents, communities, and our partners across the whole Borough on what their priorities are, and actively seeking out opportunities for collaboration and consultation on the Council’s policy proposals as detailed in our Council Plan.

Each Lead Member has responsibility for a defined service area or 'portfolio', as allocated by the Leader. These are detailed below.

Lead members are supported by an executive management team - The Council's Management Structure.

Cllr Elizabeth Campbell

Cllr Elizabeth Campbell, Leader of the Council

  • Council Plan and Grenfell Legacy.
  • Overall responsibility for Grenfell Recovery.
  • Overall strategy, performance, policy and budgeting.
  • The continued delivery of corporate transformation and change.
  • Emergency and civil contingency planning.
  • Grenfell Public Inquiry and other external examinations of the Council.
  • Corporate services, including Strategy, Human Resources and Communications. 
  • Governance and decision making.
  • Liaison with Government, the Greater London Authority and London councils.
  • Local strategic partnerships and engagement with partner agencies.
Cllr Kim Taylor Smith

Cllr Kim Taylor Smith,

Deputy Leader, Employment, Culture and Economy

  • Economic development, employment, and skills.
  • Working in partnership with museums and galleries; public art; events and film; and oversight of the Council’s cultural services. 
  • Council’s role in supporting Notting Hill Carnival.
  • Helping local people into work or better work.
  • Linking local businesses into supply chain opportunities. 
  • Library and Archive Service, including North Kensington Library.
  • Street markets and street trading.
  • Sustainability of high streets and retail.
  • Apprenticeship within the Council, local partners, and suppliers.
  • Alternative career pathways for residents aged 16+
  • Further and adult education, skills, and employability.
  • Council’s role in the Grenfell restorative justice programme.
Cllr Sof McVeigh

Cllr Sof McVeigh,

Housing Management, Housing Safety, and Building New Homes

  • Grenfell housing support, policy and delivery.
  • Improvement and investment in estates.
  • Lancaster West Estate improvements and projects.
  • Overarching investment in housing.
  • Housing strategy and policy.
  • Council’s housing management service.
  • Driving improvements in housing safety standards.
  • Housing support.
  • Homelessness and allocations policy.
  • Housing Revenue Account business plan.
  • Supporting refugees and asylum seekers.
  • Working in partnership with registered housing providers and private sector housing providers
Cllr Josh Rendall

Cllr Josh Rendall, Adult Social Care and Public Health

  • Public health: COVID-19 recovery; the promotion of healthy living; the strengthening of health and wellbeing and reduction of health inequalities.
  • Safeguarding of vulnerable adults.
  • Community-based support for adults affected by Grenfell.
  • Assessment and care management of social services for vulnerable adults.
  • Services to support elderly people.
  • Services to support people with learning disabilities.
  • Provision of mental health services in partnership with NHS.
  • Physical disability services.
  • Transitions from children’s services.
  • Partnership working and service integration with the local NHS.
  • Discretionary welfare provision and subsidised transport.
  • Chairing the Health and Wellbeing Board.
Cllr Sarah Addenbrooke

Cllr Sarah Addenbrooke,

Communities and Community Safety

  • Community engagement, consultation, and empowerment.
  • Supporting equality, diversity and inclusion.
  • The Grenfell Community Programme.
  • The Grenfell Dedicated Service for bereaved and survivors.
  • The Grenfell legacy, alongside the leader of the Council.
  • Community safety.
  • Strengthening Police partnerships and relationships to help reduce crime (including chairing the Community Safety Partnership Board).
  • The Council’s working with the voluntary and community sector (VCS).
  • Grant funding the Voluntary Sector Support Fund.
  • Overseeing ‘City Living, Local Life’ ward budgets.
  • The Mayoralty.
Cllr Catherine Faulks

Cllr Catherine Faulks, Family and Children’s Services

  • Safeguarding of vulnerable children and young people.
  • Ongoing support for children and young people in learning and educational settings.
  • Support for children and young people affected by Grenfell.
  • Ensuring robust corporate parenting.
  • Services for schools and pupils.
  • Nursery schools and childcare.
  • Children’s centres.
  • Youth services, youth justice and the Youth Offending Team (YOT).
Cllr Cem Kemahli

Cllr Cem Kemahli, Planning and Public Realm

  • Planning policy and planning briefs for major sites.
  • Transport strategy and transportation policies.
  • Improving air quality and carbon emissions.
  • Parking policy and operations, including fees and charges.
  • On-street and licensing enforcement.
  • Private sector housing.
  • Trading Standards, food hygiene and health and safety.
  • Placemaking and improving the built environment.
  • Waste management, recycling, street cleaning and pest control.
  • Maintenance and improvement of highways and street lighting.
  • Development control and enforcement; Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and Section 106.
  • Council’s responsibilities as Lead Local Flood Authority.
Cllr Emma Will

Cllr Emma Will, Property, Parks and Leisure

  • Property.
  • Social investment.
  • Hard and soft facilities management.
  • Parks and open spaces.
  • Community gardens.
  • Leisure centres and sports facilities
  • Mortuary and coroners’ services.
  • Cemeteries.
Cllr Johnny Thalassites

Cllr Johnny Thalassites,
Finance, Customer Services and Net Zero Council

  • Revenue and capital budget planning and monitoring, with the Leader.
  • Investments, treasury management, income generation.
  • Delivery of the Council’s Net Zero 2030 and 2040 commitments.
  • Support with cost of living.
  • Customer services improvements and modernisation.
  • Digital transformation and enablement.
  • Capital programme delivery.
  • Registrars and bereavement services.
  • Policy and use for artificial intelligence.
  • Legal services, Electoral services.
  • Procurement policy, corporate health and safety.
  • Council tax and benefits.

Last updated: 27 August 2024