Fire safety

What we are doing to protect you

Following the tragic Grenfell Tower Fire, we recognise that residents have serious concerns about our approach to fire safety. Since the Grenfell Tower Fire, we have been working to ensure all our housing meets the most stringent fire safety standards. We have also been working to rebuild residents’ trust and confidence that their homes are fire safe. We have been and continue to assess the fire safety of all our properties.

Smoke alarms

  • Ensuring all of our homes have smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms where they have fixed gas boilers to comply with the Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm Regulations 2022.

Front door programme

  • All flat front doors acting as fire doors in buildings over 11 metres will be officially inspected on an annual basis by a certified fire door professional from 2023 in accordance with the new Fire Safety England Regulations 2022.
  • Doors in lower buildings will be visually inspected during eFRAs and caretaker routine checks. 
  • Continue our extensive door replacement programme To install a further 2,500 fire doors in tenanted properties over the next two years (2022-2024).
Fire Safety Door
Fire Safety Doors

Regular testing

  • All fire-related equipment is to be tested, and results are recorded regularly in all residential blocks.  

Personal emergency evacuation plans

  • Complete PEEPS in a timely fashion for those who request one following the completion of a person-centred fire risk assessment.

Secure information boxes

  • Fit secure information boxes (SIBs) on all 11+ metre buildings by January 2023 along with sheltered accommodation properties and hostels, and to ensure these are inspected every six months.   

Fire risk assessments

  • Ensure all urgent FRA actions are completed immediately and to aim to complete all remaining actions within the allocated timescales or during the next estate refurbishment cycle as directed,
  • Carry out Fire Risk Appraisals of External Walls (FRAEWs) where deficiencies are known in our residential blocks. 

Loft works

  • Complete loft compartment works to all 20 residential blocks with open loft areas by 2025. 

Last updated: 27 August 2024