Search results (187)

  1. Early Years Premium (EYPP) for practitioners

    The Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) gives providers additional funding to support disadvantaged 3- and 4-year-old pupils who meet the eligibility criteria. Hourly rate The current rates can be accessed on the following page: Kensington and Chelsea EY funding rates.  Eligibility Three and four-year olds will…
  2. Health visiting

    Health visiting services Health Visitors offer services to families within our children’s centres and local health centres to provide services to families in locations close to their home. After attending antenatal classes and being seen at home by midwives, parents will receive information and support…
  3. Speech and language therapy

    Learning to talk is one of the most important elements of a young child’s growth and development. Early interaction between parent and baby stimulates vital early brain development. It also lays the foundations for a lifelong loving relationship. The earliest bonding and signs of love…
  4. Early education (Early Years Foundation Stage: EYFS)

    Early Years education is a non-compulsory stage of education generally comprising the ages from birth to 5 (or to the date when a child starts reception). Depending on individual circumstances, parents or carers may choose whether their child go to nursery or are cared for…
  5. Speech and Language Therapy (SALT) resources

    In this section you will find useful information and resources: I CAN – Speech and communication resources Black sheep resources Do2learn Variety of different free downloadable visuals can be found here. Widgit Supporting communication and reading for young learners. Downloadable software that supports symbol labelling, visual timetables and educational materials…
  6. GDPR information

    Below we have put together relevant information about the GDPR: PACEY: GDPR guide EY Alliance: preparing for GDPR NDNA: data protection FAQ's Data Protection fee Should you have any queries, please contact the Early Years Advisory Team
  7. Support for families (Early Help)

    One-to-one family support (Early Help) Our Early Help services are continuing to provide support for families during this period, in a different way. If you are already receiving one-to-one support from our Early Help team, your practitioner will contact you weekly or fortnightly via telephone…
  8. Early Years in schools

    Welcome to the Kensington and Chelsea Early Years Hub, a dedicated space for Early Years Professionals in schools in Kensington and Chelsea. In this section, we aim to provide you with important updates, information and guidance, which hopefully you will find useful. Please feel free…
  9. Information for childminders

    Welcome to the Kensington and Chelsea Early Years Hub, a dedicated space for Childminders in Kensington and Chelsea. In this section, we aim to provide you with important updates, information and guidance, which hopefully you will find useful. Please feel free to explore the different…
  10. PVI settings

    Welcome to the Kensington and Chelsea Early Years Hub, a dedicated space for Early Years Professionals in the PVI sector in Kensington and Chelsea. In this section, we aim to provide you with important updates, information and guidance, which hopefully you will find useful. Please…
  11. Maintained nurseries

    Welcome to the Kensington and Chelsea Early Years Hub, a dedicated space for Early Years Professionals working in maintained settings in Kensington and Chelsea. In this section, we aim to provide you with important updates, information and guidance, which hopefully you will find useful. Please…
  12. Early Years in schools

    Welcome to the Kensington and Chelsea Early Years Hub, a dedicated space for Early Years provision in maintained schools in Kensington and Chelsea. In this section, we aim to provide you with important updates, information and guidance, which hopefully you will find useful. Please feel…
  13. Information for Childminders

    Welcome to the Kensington and Chelsea Early Years Hub, a dedicated space for Childminders in Kensington and Chelsea. In this section, we aim to provide you with important updates, information and guidance, which hopefully you will find useful. Please feel free to explore the different…
  14. Early Years Hub for practitioners

    'Brilliant Beginnings for ALL Children' Welcome to the Bi-Borough Early Years Hub, a dedicated platform to support Early Years Practitioners and Childminders in Kensington and Chelsea. In this section, we aim to provide you with important updates, information and guidance, which hopefully you will find useful.…
  15. Youth support and opportunities

    Explore the following sections for information about the free support available for young people in Kensington and Chelsea: Not in education, employment or training (NEET) Detached and Outreach Team Youth hubs
  16. Targeted Prevention Team (TPT)

    A big welcome from the Targeted Prevention Team (TPT) The Targeted Prevention Team (TPT) is the Kensington and Chelsea specialist free service for young people who are NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training).  The team is experienced in, and dedicated to, providing Careers, Education,…
  17. Detached and Outreach Team (DOT)

    Welcome to the Detached and Outreach Team webpage We are a team of youth workers working in Kensington and Chelsea. We offer a variety of free youth work support including: Detached (street-based) sessions Outreach (helping children and young people to access provision in youth centres…
  18. Physical activity

    Activities for children and young people You can find leisure activities on our 'Things to do locally' page, as well as on the Our City website. Change4Life The Change4Life Service clubs includes physical activity. You can find further informaiton on the Family Action Change4Life service page. Free annual membership for…
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