Message from the leader: Tier 4 restrictions

Published: Saturday 19 December 2020

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Today (19 December) the Government has announced that all London boroughs will be placed into new Tier 4 restrictions. This means that much of the information residents may have seen in recent days, including in North Ken News and our Christmas information booklet, is now incorrect. You should now follow the new restrictions for Tier 4, as set out by government.

Tier 4 restrictions begin from  Sunday 20 December. They are:

  • People should stay at home except for education, childcare, exercise and work.
  • Work from home wherever possible. If you cannot work from home, for example in the construction and manufacturing industries, you should go to work.
  • Non-essential retail, hairdressers and beauty salons, indoor gyms and leisure facilities must close.
  • People should not enter or leave tier 4 areas.
  • Christmas bubbles are not allowed. You should only mix with your household or support bubble.

Council leader Cllr Elizabeth Campbell, said:

“I watched the press conference, and my first reaction was of utter heartbreak. I thought about all the plans people had put in place, and all the effort families and businesses have gone to. I am sure we all saw this period as a chance to leave a horrible year behind and see some of our families for the first time in months.

“We all had the intention of doing all this safely, but the numbers continued to rise through this week. There is no doubt in my mind that we are all being asked to do the right thing.

“Christmas holidays have always been about the people you love, the people you hold dear. This year that is even more important than ever.  We have to do the right thing to make sure those we care about the most are safe.

“I know that everyone, right across Kensington and Chelsea, has looked out for each other, cared for each other, and has worked hard to keep our infection numbers at some of the lowest rates in London. I am proud of those efforts and have been humbled and inspired by all those in our communities, and indeed own staff, who have worked through this pandemic, supporting others and keeping the city going.

“We will need all our strength for this period – and it will be our toughest yet. But hope is on the horizon. My thoughts go out to all of you.”

For information on all the support the Council is providing to businesses and residents, visit